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假設語氣(subjunctive mood)

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10/05/201902/02/2020 陳博士Posted in 每日輕鬆學英語, 進階英語文法 subjunctive mood 1

見if, time15, 16, lest, suggest, require, essential, wish, if only, whether

subjunctive mood 2


答:英語動詞有一個很重要的文法範疇—語氣(mood) 。語氣是表示說話人對動詞所表達的行為或狀態採取何種態度的動詞形式。如果說話人把句中動詞所表達的行為或狀態看作是現實的東西, 而加以描述, 就要用陳述語氣(Indicative Mood) 。例如:

The electronic computer performs calculations quickly and accurately.電子電腦的運算又迅速又準確。

如果說話人想要別人做某件事, 如下達命令、提出請求、勸告、警告等, 就要採用祈使語氣(Imperative Mood) 。例如:

Allow the water to cool for ten minutes and then take the temperature. 使水冷卻10 分鐘, 然後測量水的溫度。

如果說話人把動詞所表達的行為或狀態看作是只存在於說話人想像中的“假想”, 而不看作是客觀現實時, 就要用假設語氣(Subjunctive Mood) 。例如:

If there were no air, there would be no life on the earth.如果沒有空氣, 地球上就不會有生命。

中文裡沒有假設語氣, 因此中國學生常常感到英語的假設語氣很難理解和掌握。我們應當下功夫對英語的假設語氣進行比較深入的學習和研究, 以期把誤解和誤譯減少到最低限度, 更詳細的情形, 請見subjunctive mood3 – 9 。

subjunctive mood 3

問:In the absence of friction, belts _____ in conveying power from one machine to another. A. will not be usedB. may not be usedC. can not be usedD. could not be used我不明白這裡為什麼必須選D(could not be used) 。這裡並沒有非真實條件子句呀!

答:表示非真實條件有多種語言手段。介係詞片語便是這種手段之一。in the absence of friction 是一個與客觀現實恰好相反的假設: 如果不存在摩擦的話。大家知道, 不存在摩擦的情況是永遠也不會出現的(參見subjunctive mood9, A 項) 。

subjunctive mood 4

問:If he had any money, he’d leave home.請問if 子句中的過去時假設式是表現在時間, 還是表將來時間。有些文法書指出, if + 過去時假設式只表示現在時間。是這樣嗎?

答:非真實條件句中過去時假設式既可以表示現在時間(例1 —2), 也可以表示將來時間(例3 —4) 。請看實例:

It would be nice if they were here now. 要是他們現在在這裡, 那就好了。If they were alive, they would be moving around. 如果他們在世的話, 他們就會東奔西跑。It would be nice if it were a holiday tomorrow. 如果明天放假, 那該多好。If she tired harder next time, she would pass the examination. 要是下次她再努力一些, 她就會通過考試。 subjunctive mood 5

問:(1) Had you informed us earlier we would have taken the necessary steps. 如果你早些通知我們, 我們會採取必要措施。(《英語文法詞典》, 四川人民出版社, 1996, p.46)(2) If this sleeplessness would have been allowed to go on, she would have collapsed. 這種失眠如果任其發展, 她就會垮掉的。(《高級英語文法》, 高等教育出版社, 1994, p. 548)(3) If I had been taller, I would have joined the police force. 如果我的個頭兒再高一點, 我就會當員警。(《朗文英語文法》, 外研社, 1992, p.527)(4) If I had had any sense, I would have kept quiet about it. 如果我有見識的話, 我就會對此保持沉默。(同上)(5) If we had gone by car, we would have saved time. 如果我們乘車去, 我們就會節省時間。(同上)我覺得上面的譯文沒有把原意表達出來, 請分析。

答:大家知道, 上面的條件子句所表達的條件與過去的既成事實是相反的, 主要子句所表達的結果也是與過去的既成事實相反的。但上面的譯文都沒有把這一點給表達出來。上面的諸譯文完全可以理解為指現在時間或指將來時間。此外, 譯文的條件子句也完全可以理解為真實條件子句。我們發現, 許多英語著作在翻譯此類句子時常常犯類似的錯誤。我們應當注意, 在英語裡, 時間關係是通過文法手段(時態) 表達出來的。而在中文裡無此文法手段, 因此在翻譯此類句子時必須用適當的詞彙手段把“與過去事實相反”這一層意思表達出來。

(1) 要是你早些通知我們的話, 我們就採取必要措施了。(2) 要是這種失眠任其發展下去的話, 她早就垮掉了。(3) 如果我的個頭再高一點兒, 我就當上員警了。(4) 如果當時我懂事的話, 我就對那件事保持沉默了。(5) 如果我們當時是乘車去的話, 我們就節省時間了。 subjunctive mood 6

問:If I had married her, I would have been unhappy. (The structure of Technical English, p.140)[原譯] 如果我和她結婚, 我會不幸。(中譯本)請分析上面的譯文是否準確, 並結合英譯漢常見錯誤詳細談一談英語條件句中動詞的假設語氣。

答:在分析這個句子的具體翻譯方法之前, 讓我們先簡要地談一談假設語氣在條件句中的用法和意義。大家知道, 條件句(即包含條件副詞片語子句的句子) 分為真實條件句(Sentences of Real Condition) 和非真實條件句(Sentences of Unreal Condition) 兩類。如果提出的條件是可以實現的, 這樣的句子叫做真實條件句, 如果提出的條件與事實相反或不可能實現或實現的可能性極小, 這樣的句子叫做非真實條件句。試比較:

If we apply heat to ice, the motion of the molecules is speeded up, and the ice becomes water. 如果我們給冰加熱, 分子運動就會加快, 冰就會變成水。(真實條件句)In other words, if there were no attraction, the electron would fly away from the proton in a straight line. 換句話說, 如果沒有引力, 電子就會沿直線飛離質子而去。(非真實條件句。事實上有引力。)

就時間方面來看, 非真實條件句可以分為三類。

A. 假設的條件與現在的事實或長久的事實相反

在這種情況下, 條件副詞片語子句的動詞用過去時, 主要子句的動詞用would/should(could, might) + 原形動詞。例如:

If light could of itself pass round an object, there would be no shadows. 假如光線能夠自行繞過物體, 那就不會有影子了。(事實是: 光線不能夠自行繞過物體)If transparent bodies did not reflect a certain amount of light, they would be invisible. 如果透明體不反射一定量的光, 那麼透明體就是看不見的了。(事實是: 透明體反射一定量的光)

翻譯這類句子時, 只要注意到動詞雖然用的是過去時, 但表達的卻是現在的情況或長久的情況, 一般是沒有多大困難的。

B. 假設的條件與過去的事實相反

在這種情況下, 條件副詞片語子句的動詞用過去完成式, 主要子句的動詞用would/should(could, might) + have + V-ed。例如:

If electronic computers had not been invented, many problems on space flight could not have been solved. 如果沒有發明出來電子電腦的話, 那麼宇宙飛行的許多問題就不可能得到解決了。(事實是: 電子電腦已經發明出來了)There is no doubt that if she had not lost her rudder she would have won the race easily. 如果它不是失去了船舵的話, 它無疑會輕而易舉地贏得這次比賽的勝利的。

必須注意, 英語是通過動詞時態來表達過去事件的, 中文則必須通過適當的詞彙手段來表達這一點。例如, 在子句中加“過”、“了”、“曾”、“當時”等, 在主要子句中加“本來”、“了”等。總之, 我們要想盡一切辦法把“過去的事”這一點給表達出來。你提問的譯文就沒有把這一點表達出來。“如果我和她結婚, 我會不幸”這句話, 既可以理解為指“現在”, 也可以理解為指“將來”(參見subjunctive mood5)。

[試譯] 要是我當時娶了她的話, 那就慘了。

C. 假設的條件在將來不可能實現或實現的可能性極小, 即與預料的情況相反在這種情況下, 條件副詞片語子句的動詞的形式是: should/ could(were to) + 原形動詞, 主要子句動詞的形式是would/ should + 原形動詞。例如: This is very much like the combination of forces that are set into motion when you whirl a ball on the end of a piece of string. If the string should break, the ball would fly away from your hand. 這很像當你旋轉一個拴在一根繩子一端的小球時處於運動中的那一組力, 如果繩子萬一斷了, 小球就會脫離你的手飛走。(“繩子斷了”只是一種假想的情況,說話人的預料是: 繩子不會斷的)If green plants should disappear some day, there would hardly be any life on the earth. 萬一有一天綠色植物消失了, 地球上幾乎就不會有生命了。(“綠色植物消失了”, 只是一種假想的情況, 作者的預料是: 綠色植物是不會消失的)If the reaction were to take place, large amount of energy would be released. 假如這個反應發生的話, 就會釋放出大量的能。

(參見were to do/ should do, were to do/ was to do)

subjunctive mood 7

問:1. Be that as it may, we have nothing to lose. 即使如此, 我們也沒有什麼可損失的。2. Suffice it to say that the manager is on the whole pleased with his work. 只說這樣一句就夠了: 經理對他的工作基本滿意。如何分析上面的be 和suffice?

答:上面的be 和suffice 是現在式假設式。CGEL 把上面假設式叫做套語式假設語氣 (formulaic subjunctive) 。

Come what may, we will go ahead with our plan. 不管發生什麼情況, 我們都將執行我們的計畫。Say what he will, in his heart he knows that he is wrong. 不管他嘴上說什麼, 反正他內心裡知道他錯了。Heaven forbit that I should let my own parents suffer. 上天不容我讓我的父母受苦。

(參見present subjunctive mood)

subjunctive mood 8

問:I wish(that) someone had let me know.[原譯] 我希望有人告訴我。(《英語交際文法》, 上海譯文出版社, p.229)請分析譯文是否正確並解釋wish 的用法和譯法。

答:譯文未能準確地把原文的意思表達出來。究其原因, 是譯者忽略了英語動詞假設語氣時態的功用及其漢譯法。跟前面討論過的非真實條件句中的情形很相似, wish + 子句這個句型, 從子句表達的時間來看, 也可以分為三類, 而且也是用過去時表現在, 用過去完成式表過去。

A. 表達與現在事實相反的願望 I wish they were not so late. (= I feel it is a pity that they are so late) 要是他們來得不這麼晚就好了。(事實是: 他們來晚了。)I wish I remembered the address. 我要是記住地址就好了。(或真可惜, 我把地址忘了。)I wish I spoke English fluently. 我要是能說一口流利的英語該多好! (事實是: 我現在不能說一口流利的英語。) B. 表達與過去的事實相反的願望, 即對過去的既成事實表示後悔、可惜、遺憾等。 I wish she had not left. (I am sorry that she has left). 要是她沒有離開這裡就好了。I wish that John had agreed. 要是約翰同意了就好了。(或: 真可惜約翰沒有同意)I wish you hadn’t spent so much money. 你要是沒有花這麼多錢就好了。 C. 表達與預料的將來情況相反的願望

I wish it would rain tomorrow. 要是明天下雨就好了。(說話人預料明天不會下雨。)

原譯者把I wish that someone had let me know.譯為“我希望有人告訴我。”, 在時間方面是不明確的。因為這句中文也可以理解為指“ 現在”或“ 將來”。這就與原意相去太遠了。[試譯] 要是當時有人告訴我就好了。(或: 我多麼希望當時有人告訴我啊!)


subjunctive mood 9

問:If increased production of electricity by nuclear reactors…enables it to remain economical… we may soon reach the crossover point for hydrogen… The second attractive use of hydrogen would be to produce electricity by fuel-cell conversion. (上海交大《英語》(三), 1979 年版, p.312)[原譯] ⋯ ⋯如果用核反應爐⋯⋯來增加發電量使電保持廉價的話, 我們很快就可以轉而生產氫了⋯⋯氫的第二種引人注目的用途也許是通過燃料電池換能法來發電。(教參)這裡並沒有非真實條件子句, 為什麼句子動詞用假設語氣would be? 另外, would在這裡是表達“也許”的意思嗎?

答:要想探討這裡的假設語氣問題, 必須弄清英詞假設語氣在非條件句中的用法和意義。我們在教學中發現, 許多學生往往不懂得這類假設語氣的功用, 因而常常產生一些誤解。這裡應當強調指出, 除了if, unless, in case, as long as, suppose(supposing), on condition that, provided that, even though 能引出非真實的條件之外, 英語裡還有許許多多其他語言手段能夠表達非真實的情況, 即所謂“ 假想”的情況。

A. 介係詞片語 Without steel, there would be no industry. 沒有鋼就沒有工業。(事實是: 有鋼)But for friction, people could neither walk, nor even stand up. 如果沒有摩擦, 人們就不能走路, 甚至連站也站不起來。(事實是: 有摩擦)She would leave her husband except for the children. 如果沒有孩子她就會離開她丈夫。(事實是: 她有孩子)Because of his arguments he was convinced that friction provided the forces, which stop bodies in horizontal motion, and that in the absence of all forces the bodies would continue to move forever. 由於這個論點他認為是摩擦提供了力, 使水準運動的物體停止下來, 假如沒有任何力的話, 物體就會永遠繼續運動下去。(事實是: 不可能沒有摩擦力)They could have achieved more under better conditions. 如果條件好一些的話他們本來會取得更大的成就的。(事實是: 當時的條件就是那樣, 不可能更好)Man’s life would be impossible in a world free from friction. 在沒有摩擦的世界裡, 人是無法生活的。(事實是: 沒有摩擦的世界是不存在的)But for John they would all have died. 如果沒有約翰, 他們大家都死了。Except for John, they would all have died. 如果沒有約翰, 他們大家都死了。

上面各例句中的介係詞片語, 實際上起著與非真實條件副詞片語子句相同的作用, 因而都可以轉換為非真實條件副詞片語子句。例如, 例2 可以轉換為: If there were no friction, people could neither walk, nor even stand up.

但是, 介係詞片語比非真實條件副詞片語子句簡潔、緊湊, 因而在書面英語裡用得頗為廣泛。明確這一點, 便可以很容易糾正某些誤解。例如, 有一本英語文法著作(《科技英語結構分析與翻譯》) 是這樣解釋下列句子裡would 的用法的。

“The weight of the body, the earth pull on it, depends on the location of the body on the earth and of course would be quite different on another planet. 物體的重量, 即地球對它的引力, 與該物體在地球上的位置有關, 當然, 該物體的重量在另一星球上應當是完全不同的。(would…是假設語氣, 有‘應當’,‘理應’之意, 語氣委婉。) ”

讀者很難理解, 在這個表達科學內容的句子裡, 語氣為什麼要“ 委婉”。讀者也很難理解, 為什麼would 偏偏在這個句子裡具有“應當”、“ 理應”之意。是不是這裡的would be 與一般的假設語氣不同? 其實, 只要我們抓住介係詞片語可以表示假想情況(假設的條件) 這個關鍵, 就能很容易解釋這個句子裡的假設語氣的用法。原文中的介係詞片語on another planet 表示的是一種假想的情況, 因為該物體(the body) 並沒有真的放到另一個行星上, 因此, on another planet 相當於if it were on another planet。

還應指出的是, 在英譯漢時, 往往需要把介係詞片語所表示的假想意味給表達出來, 否則可能有歧義。例如:

If should be noted that a rocket does not depend on the atmosphere for its propulsion, but would actually perform better in the absence of an atmosphere because of lessened air resistance. [原譯] 應該注意, 火箭的推力與大氣無關, 在沒有大氣的情況下, 由於空氣阻力減小, 火箭實際上會運行得更好。(《科技英語結構分析和翻譯》, p.489)原文中的介係詞片語in the absence of an atmosphere 表示假設的條件, 即表示與客觀現實相反的假想情況, 譯文譯作“在沒有大氣的情況下”, 未能把這種假想情況表達出來。因為人們有可能把“ 在沒有大氣的情況下”理解為“ 在火箭脫離大氣層以後的情況下”。[試譯] 應該指出, 火箭推力的產生是與大氣無關的, 但是, 假如沒有大氣的話, 由於空氣阻力減小, 火箭實際上會運行得更好。


Without air, there would be no wind or clouds. There would be no weather, as we know it. The night time would be very cold and the days very hot. We would be forced to seek shelter from the sun, as there would be no atmosphere to protect us from the sun’s deadly rays.

B. 動詞不定詞片語 (1) 充當主詞的動詞不定詞片語

充當主詞的動詞不定詞常常含有假想的意味, 也就是說, 它所表達的內容並不是現實的東西, 而是想像中的東西或是彼時彼地不能實現的情況。在這種情況下, 句子的動詞常常用假設語氣。例如:

In industry, for example, television cameras are used to watch processes in places, where it would be difficult or even dangerous for a human to be present. 例如, 在工業上, 電視攝像機可以在人難以到達或者人在那裡有危險的地方來監視生產過程。(作者把for a human to be present 所表達的情況僅僅看作是假想的, 而不把它看作是實際上可以實現的)The molecules of water are incredibly minute. It would take about 135 million of them to form a row an inch long. 水分子小得難以置信。把水分子排成一英寸長就需要大約一億二千五百萬個分子。(動詞不定詞片語所表達的事情是假想的, 不是真的要去做的)It would be unwise for you to marry him. (= if you were to marry him.) 要是你跟他結婚, 那將是不明智的。

It would be foolish, not to say mad, to sell your car. [原譯] 把你的車子賣掉是很不明智的, 甚至可以說瘋了。(《朗文現代英漢雙解詞典》, 現代出版社, p.954)從譯文看, 似乎“車子已經賣掉”, 但原文的假設語氣告訴我們: to sell your car 只是一種假設情況。[試譯] 你要是把你的汽車賣掉, 即使不是發瘋, 也是很愚蠢的。

(2) 充當條件副詞片語的動詞不定詞片語 You would do well to write more distinctly. 你要是寫得再清楚一些就好了。(動詞不定詞片語to write more distinctly 是條件副詞片語, 而且這個條件是和現實相反的)To be launched in a rocket you would have to lie down. 如果你乘坐火箭被發射的話, 你就得躺下。(作者認為在他講話的時候“ 你乘坐火箭”這件事, 並非是現實的, 而僅僅是假想的, 故動詞不定詞片語to be launched in a rocket 起著與非真實條件副詞片語子句相同的作用)In the Union of South Africa it is very difficult for a native to get a skilled job. To qualify for such a position, the native would first have to receive specialized training, and this is prohibited. 在南非, 黑人很難找到技術性工作, 黑人要想有資格獲得這樣的工作崗位, 就必須首先接受專門的訓練, 而這是禁止的。 C. 名詞或名詞片語 The list of discoveries by accident could fill a long book; and remember, most of them happened when somebody asked himself: “why?” 要是把偶然的發現都一一寫出來的話, 恐怕要寫上厚厚的一大本書。並且要記住, 大部分偶然的發現都是在有人向自己問一個“為什麼”的時候產生出來的。(事實上作者或者其他人並沒有真的把所有的偶然發現都一一寫出來, 也就是說, 在作者寫這句話的彼時彼地並不存在the list of discoveries by accident 。因此, the list 僅僅是作者假想的東西)For this reason, intelligent creatures in any part of the universe would be able to understand a simple arithmetical sequence. They would be able to reply to our signals using similar methods. 因此, 宇宙中其他任何地方的有智慧的動物都能理解簡單的算術序列。他們能夠使用類似的方法來回答我們的訊號。(迄今尚未證明其他星球存在有智慧的生命, 因此intelligent creatures in any(other) part of the universe 僅僅是假定其存在的東西)The ideal machine which would have an efficiency of 100% should not have any friction. 效率為100 %的理想機器必須沒有摩擦。(這種理想的機器在現實裡是不存在的, 故在其形容詞子句裡動詞用假設語氣) D. 代名詞

He suggested that a double railway tunnel should be built. This would solve the problem of ventilation, for if a train entered this tunnel. It would draw in fresh air behind it. 他建議建造一個雙軌道隧道, 這樣就能解決通風問題, 因為火車開進隧道, 就會帶進來新鮮空氣。

E. 形容詞 A true friend would have acted differently. 如果他是真正的朋友, 那他的做法就不會是這個樣子了。A close observer would have noticed it. 要是細心的觀察者, 早就注意到了。 F. 副詞和副詞片語 Living things, as we know them, must have just right amount of oxygen. Too much, and they would burn. Too little, and they would die. 正如我們大家所知道的那樣, 生物必須有適量的氧氣, 氧太多生物會燒死, 氧太少生物會窒息而死。(too much 和too little 都是在說話的彼時假想的情況)Alone Roosevelt could have accomplished little. 羅斯福要是光杆司令, 他也不會有多大作為的。(alone 是與歷史事實相反的假想情況) G. 分詞片語 A man trying to see a single atom would be somewhat like a man trying to see a single drop of water in the ocean while flying many miles above it. 一個人試圖看到單個的原子, 有點像一個人翱翔於茫茫大海之上許多英里的高空而試圖看到大海中的一滴水一樣。(trying to see a single a tom 完全是一種假想的情況)The same thing, happening in wartime, would amount to disaster. 同樣的事, 要是發生在戰爭年代, 就會釀成大禍。 H. 並列連接詞or, otherwise, else, or else The thin-film cells must demonstrate an efficiency of at least 10 percent, or else the noncell costs alone would make them too expensive to complete with coal. 這種薄膜電池必須至少有百分之十的效率, 否則僅非電池部分的成本就會使薄膜電池的價格變得非常昂貴, 以至不可能與煤相匹敵。Gas molecules move in all directions, otherwise the color could not spread throughout the jar. 氣體分子是到處運動的, 不然的話, 顏色就不可能擴散及整個瓶子。The atmosphere acts as a screen to shield us from certain harmful rays that would otherwise beat down on the earth and make life impossible. 大氣層像屏障一樣, 保護我們不受某些有害射線的照射, 否則, 這些有害的射線就會照射到地球上, 使生物無法生存。 I. 從屬連接詞only, but, but that, except (that)

含有假設語氣的分句描述的是與事實相反的情景, 而含有連接詞but 或only 等的子句描述的則是事實, 這一事實阻止了假設語氣句所描述的情況成為現實:

We would have avoided making such a mistake, but we didn’t follow his sound advice.我們本來可以不犯這樣的錯誤, 只是我們沒有接受他的忠告。I would’ve asked you, only my mother told me not to. 我本來要問你的, 只是我媽媽叫我不要問你(要不是我媽媽叫我不要問你的話,我本來會去問你的) 。He would have helped us but that he was short of money at the time. 要是他當時不害怕的話, 他本來會離開的。He would have helped us but that he was short of money at the time. 要不是他當時沒有錢, 他就幫助我們了。I would go except it’s too late. 要不是太晚的話, 我會去的。 J. 形容詞子句 A nation which stopped working would be dead in a fortnight. 一個國家要是停止工作, 不出兩周就會滅亡。Anybody who should do that would be laughed at. 誰要是那樣做, 誰就會被人恥笑。Any person who had behaved in that way would have been dismissed. 如果有誰這樣幹了的話, 早就被開除了。 K. 上下文 For example, suppose that air should leak into an atomic reactor and then leak out again. The air would become radioactive and dangerous for anyone to breathe. 舉例來說, 假定空氣滲進了原子反應堆然後又滲了出來, 那麼這種空氣就變成具有放射性的了, 任何人吸入它都是很危險的。(suppose 句提出一個設想的情況, 後面的句子是以這個設想的情況為條件而進行敘述的, 故其動詞用假設語氣)Let’s try a comparison. Reduce the sun to the size of a golf ball. The earth would then be the size of a grain of sand. 我們來打個比方, 假如把太陽縮小到高爾夫球那麼大, 那麼地球的大小就會像一粒砂子。

現在我們已擁有了足夠的知識來回過頭來探討你所問的句子的漢譯問題了。那裡的原文之所以使用假設語氣, 是因為文章的前面提出一種可能性: 將來如能使用核反應堆生產廉價的電, 我們就可以用電解法製造大量氫。由於這是一種尚未成為現實的可能情況, 所以原作者在討論氫大量生產後的用途時, 多次使用假設語氣, 例如, It could supply heat for homes and for industry…the hydrogen could be produced with cheaper offpeak power and burned to produce power to supply peak demands.就本例而論, 充當主詞的名詞片語the second attractive use of hydrogen, 因氫尚未大量生產出來, 使用氫來發電仍是一個尚未成為現實的想像情況。因此, 它的動詞照例應當用假設語氣, 這種用法的would 是不能譯為“也許”的。因為原作者並不是對“氫的第二種引人注目的用途”究竟是不是“通過燃料電池換能法來發電”抱有懷疑的態度或者沒有把握, 恰恰相反,原作者對此是毫不懷疑而是有確切把握的。因此, 原譯文中的“也許”兩字應刪掉。

subjunctive mood used in adverbial clause of concession (用於讓步副詞片語子句的假設語氣)

見as/ though2, be2,3, though6, whether they be, should5

subjunctive mood used in adverbial clause of purpose (用於目的子句的假設語氣)

見lest, case3, order, so11, 13

subjunctive mood used in appositive clause (用於同位語子句的假設語氣)


subjunctive mood used in attributive clause (用於形容詞子句的假設語氣)


subjunctive mood used in object clause (用於受詞子句的假設語氣)

見wish, I‘d rather, would(that), demand, desire, insist, order, propose, suggest

subjunctive mood used in predicative clause (用於述語子句的假設語氣)


subjunctive mood used in subject clause (用於主詞子句的假設語氣)



其他看過此文章的讀者也閲讀以下文章meet 用法, 例句, 詳解. 與meet with分別keep 用法, 詳解和例句grant 用法, 意思, 詳解everyone 用法, everyone vs every one哪一個是正確?未來完成式(future perfect tense)mean 的用法和meant 用法, 例句, 詳解. I mean真正意思as if 用法, 例句, 詳解call 用法, 例句, 詳解. call at/on/in/up/to有何區別?just 用法的詳盡解釋和例句. 另有just now 用法regret 用法. 為何有時後面跟to, 有時是ing?






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